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Самолёт с паломниками летит в Мекку

1696 байтов добавлено, 09:32, 9 марта 2019
Новая страница: «{{YouTube|wIQlkzgeZ5s|}} '''Самолёт с паломниками летит в Мекку''' — видеоролик в Интернете. == Общие с…»
'''Самолёт с паломниками летит в Мекку''' — видеоролик в Интернете.

== Общие сведения ==
В Интернете имеется интересный ролик, в котором самолёт Саудовской Аравии доставляет верующих в Мекку:

This is the disgusting mess that plane passengers left for members of the cabin crew to clean up which is said to be on a recent flight in Saudi Arabia. The video claims to show the state of the Airbus A330, which has recently been introduced to the Saudi Arabian Airlines fleet, although the footage does not specify the airline. During the clip, the camera focuses on the state of the toilets, covered in pieces of tissues and suspicious brown stains. The floor also appears to be soaked through. Moving down the aisles, litter can be seen covering almost every inch of floor space as passengers sit in their seats, seemingly oblivious to the mess they have caused. A second clip of another toilet shows faeces left on the seat and toilet paper spilling out of the door. It is not clear whether the footage was filmed by a passenger or a member of the crew. The clip as shared on LiveLeak.com just five hours ago and has already been viewed almost 18,000 times. Cultivated looks different. Without any comment...

Напомним, что многие [[арабы]] не любят Израиль.

== См. также ==
* [[Духовные скрепы]]
* [[Сирийские беженцы]]

== Источники ==

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