
Vladislav Mikhalchuk

8104 байта добавлено, 10:40, 20 октября 2017
Новая страница: «[[Файл:Михальчук Владислав Сергеевич.jpg|thumb|300px|Concert December 29, 2016 in the Russian Museum. Academic Hall 14]] '''Vladis…»
[[Файл:Михальчук Владислав Сергеевич.jpg|thumb|300px|Concert December 29, 2016 in the Russian Museum. Academic Hall 14]]

'''Vladislav Mikhalchuk''' (born March 28, 1996, St. Petersburg) is a musician.

== Biography ==
Vladislav Mikhalchuk was born on the 28th of March 1996 in Saint — Petersburg, Russia.

In the family of Vladislav, there were no professional musicians, but all the relatives were fond of music and that was what brought him to the P. Serebryakov Children's Art School at the age of 5.<ref>[http://serebryakov-school.ru/ Детская школа искусств имени Павла Алексеевича Серебрякова]</ref>

His desire to devote his life to music and become a professional pianist came at 11 years old when he heard one of the records of the legendary American pianist Van Cliburn.

His parents supported him in this and in 2010 Vladislav entered the Secondary Special Music School<ref>[http://x-letka.conservatory.ru Средняя Специальная музыкальная школа]</ref> at the St. Petersburg Conservatory to the class of Vladimir Suslov<ref>[http://x-letka.conservatory.ru/node/188 Владимир Суслов]</ref>, the winner of the All-Russian competition "The Best Teacher of Children's Art School" (2010)<ref>[http://old.mkrf.ru/ministerstvo/departament/detail.php?ID=624923&amp;SECTION_ID=19456&amp;sphrase_id=6917943 Положение об Общероссийском конкурсе «Лучший преподаватель детской школы искусств»…]</ref>

The first piano teacher was Natalia Kuznetsova, with whom Vladislav was studying up to grade 7. For the first time, he publicly appeared at the Sheremetevsky Palace at the age of 8 at the school's annual concert, and all subsequent years led an active concert life.

In 2007 he received the diploma of the III Open Festival "Music over the Neva" [5] in the nomination "Composition" (teacher Pleshak A. V. <ref>[http://artschool-kr.ru/events/show/Festivali-i-konkursy/Muzyka-nad-Nevoj/ Открытый фестиваль «Музыка над Невой»]</ref><ref>[http://kapellanin.ru/names/?id=674 преподаватель Плешак А. В.]</ref>).

In 2008 he won the 1st prize at the 5th international competition "Citta di Pesaro" in Italy in the city of Pesaro.<ref>[http://www.imfrt.ru/?page_id=590&lang=en Международный конкурс «Citta di Pesaro»]</ref>

In 2009 he received a diploma of the 1st degree of the II International Competition of Performing Excellence "St. Petersburg Christmas Assemblies".<ref>[http://www.vivat-talent.com/projects/konkurs__/ Международный конкурс исполнительского мастерства «Санкт-Петербургские Рождественские ассамблеи»]</ref> In the same year, he became a laureate of the second degree of the Vth Children's Open Piano Festival of Contemporary Music Performers of St. Petersburg Composers.

In June 2009, becomes a prize winner at the Berlin International Music Competition 2009 "SFORZANDO" (Berlin, Germany).<ref>[https://www.berlinercompetition.com/home Berliner International Music Competition]</ref>

In October 2009, the title of the winner of the II Annual Festival "Admiralty Stars" was conferred. <ref>[http://www.admiral-stars.ru/ Ежегодный Фестиваль «Адмиралтейские звезды»]</ref>

Later he took part in the III-rd festival of 2010 and IV-th festival of 2011 as a guest.

In March 2013 he became the owner of the Grand Prix of the International Festival-Competition "Golden Crane".<ref>[http://zolotoysterh.ru/ Международный фестиваль-конкурс «Золотой стерх»]</ref>

A strong influence on the career of Vladislav Mikhalchuk was provided by the acquaintance with Adelina Ashotovna Mnatsakanova, the head of the international charitable organization "Swallow", the Honorary Academician of the Institute of International Relations.<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHnA62lmFJI&app=desktop Ласточка" 25 лет спустя. Документальный фильм. Мнацаканова Аделина Ашотовна]</ref> In December 2014, from the hands of A. A. Mnatsakanova was awarded the Order of "Heart of Danko" in the nomination "The best people of Russia."<ref>[http://osradio.ru/culture/3439-orden-serdce-danko-rubinovoe-priznanie-dlja-olega.html Орден «Сердце Данко» — рубиновое признание для Олега Кантемирова]</ref>

The year 2014 became significant in his career, the first solo album was recorded and later released by Oclassica record label on the 19th of May 2014.<ref>[https://oclassica.com лейбл Oclassica]</ref>

Subsequently, on the Oclassica label, 3 more solo albums of Vladislav Mikhalchuk (Piano Classics, Rachmaninoff & Liszt Live, Romantic Piano Essentials) were recorded, as well as his recordings included in the pre-production albums with artists: Misha Fomin, Alexander Kobrin, Mikhail Mordvinov and others.

In July 2016, on the initiative of Vladislav and cellist I. Sendetsky, the First Marathon of Classical Music was held.<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huiF_2Cvams&app=desktop Первый Марафон классической музыки]</ref> The venue was the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg.

Currently continuing his education at the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK.

From 2014 to 2016, he studied with Professor Rustem Hayroudinoff.<ref>[https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Хайрутдинов,_Рустем_Авзалович Хайрутдинов, Рустем Авзалович]</ref>

From 2016 to the present time he studies with Professor Sulamita Aronovsky.<ref>[http://ejwiki.info/wiki/ профессор Суламита Ароновская]</ref><ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulamita_Aronovsky Sulamita Aronovsky]</ref>

== Discography ==

{| class = "wikitable"
! Label
| May 2014
| B. S. Mikhalchuk
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/beethoven-chopin-liszt-rachmaninoff/ Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff]
| Oclassica
| June 2015
| B. S. Mikhalchuk
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/piano-classics-bach-mozart-chopin-liszt-rachmaninoff/ Piano Classics]
| Oclassica
| June 2016
| B. S. Mikhalchuk
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/rachmaninoff-liszt-live/ Rachmaninoff & Liszt (Live)]
| Oclassica
| 7 April 2017
| B. S. Mikhalchuk
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/romantic-piano-essentials/ Romantic Piano Essentials]
| Oclassica
{| class = "wikitable"
! Label
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/famous-piano-sonatas-mozart-beethoven-chopin-brahms-rachmaninoff/ Famous Piano Sonatas]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/the-20-most-relaxing-pieces-of-classical-music-for-piano/ The 20 Most Relaxing Pieces of Classical Music for Piano]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/relaxing-classics-moonlight-music/ Relaxing Classics: Moonlight Music]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/50-most-beautiful-classical-piano-songs/ 50 Most Beautiful Classical Piano Songs]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/chopin-the-most-beautiful-pieces-for-piano-solo/ Chopin: The Most Beautiful Pieces for Piano Solo]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/relaxing-pieces-of-classical-piano/ Relaxing Pieces of Classical Piano]
| Oclassica
| -
| Collected albums
| [Https://oclassica.com/releases/the-50-greatest-pieces-of-classical-piano-music/ The 50 Greatest Pieces of Classical Piano Music]
| Oclassica

== References ==

== Links ==
* [http://mihalchuk.net/ru/ Official website of Vladislav Mikhalchuk]
* [https://vk.com/vmikhalchuk Official group VC]
* [https://twitter.com/mikhalchouk Official Twitter]
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